I’m back online after many years! This site reflects the style of my upcoming book “3 Songs No Flash: Canadian Music on the Road”. I will be using it to promote the release of the full version of the book (plus the sample version, which is for sale right now, if you would like one. 25 bucks. Cheap! And a very limited run of 150 copies). contact me at kevinonline@rogers.com). you can visit the page for the book here: http://3songsnoflash.ca/3-songs-book/
It’s also a home for my revamped blog, which will be a home for concert info, album reviews and goings on. You can find that here: http://3songsnoflash.ca/blog/
The image gallery on the site has a bunch of bands and singers already, but I will be adding 250 or more from my archives to fill it out nicely in the coming weeks. I will be updating it continuously and will also be adding new bands as I shoot them, so stay tuned! Link to the gallery: http://3songsnoflash.ca/galleries-2/
Prints are available for purchase upon request, so if you would like one please contact me: kevinonline@rogers.com
If you are a musician or publicist, I am available for photo shoots. My rates are reasonable. Feel free to reach out. I have shot for many and have supplied existing images for artists such as Blackie and the Rodeo Kings, Joel Plaskett, David Wilcox, Don Kerr, Ronnie Hawkins, Corin Raymond, Sean Kelly, D.O.A., Hollerado, Bidiniband, and more.